Title: 《神槍手》 / 《Sniper》 Year: 2009 Country: 中國/中國香港 China/HK Genre: 動作/驚悚 Action/Suspense Language: 粵語 Cantonese Subtitles: 中文 Chinese Length: 87 mins Directior: 林超賢 Dante Lam Order now:《神槍手 Sniper》DVD @ Yesasia.com
Cast: 任賢齊 Richie Ren 黃曉明 Xiaoming Huang 陳冠希 Edison Chan 葉璇 Michelle Ye 劉浩龍 Wilfred Lau 廖啟智 Kai Chi Liu 高捷 Jack Kao 鄧健泓 Patrick Tang 王秀琳 Mango Wong 林保怡 Bowie Lam
Synopsis: HARTMAN (RICHIE JEN) is renowned as the top shooter in the police force. But behind the legend lies a skeleton in the closet: his former teammate and superb marksman LINCOLN (HUANG XIAOMING), who was jailed for accidentally killing a hostage, has just been released. With only vengeance in his mind, Lincoln determines to take on Hartman and the police, believing they are the real culprits for his fall.
When a high-security prisoner transfer is sabotaged by a mysterious sniper and a major convict has escaped, Hartman and his team are dispatched to profile the suspect. OJ (EDISON CHEN), the hot-headed rookie on the team, surprises everyone by accurately replicating the suspect's impossible shots. Hartman sees the potential in this youngster and decides to take him under his wing. Yet when OJ becomes fascinated by Lincoln and determines to top his shooting skills, he might become another wild card on the loose. Meanwhile, Lincoln continues his plan with the largest heist ever in the city. Believing that Hartman had withheld key evidence that could free him, Lincoln decides to lure his target in by holding Hartman's daughter as hostage and re-enacting that fateful day. It is the ultimate showdown amongst three expert snipers in the Hong Kong cityscape…
Title: 《Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li》 Year: 2009 Country: US/Canada/India/Japan Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Thriller Language: English Length: 96 min Directior: Andrzej Bartkowiak Order now:《Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li》Blu-Ray @ Yesasia
Casts: Kristin Kreuk ...........Chun-Li Michael Clarke Duncan....Balrog Chris Klein..............Nash Moon Bloodgood...........Det. Maya Sunee Pei-pei Cheng...........Zhilan Taboo...................Vega / Balrog (Japan) Edmund Chen.............Xiang Neal McDonough..........M. Bison Robin Shou..............Gen Josie Ho................Cantana Tim Man.................Yung
The movie opens with Chun Li narrating her experience growing up aspiring to be a concert pianist. As a child, she moves from San Francisco to Hong Kong with her family. There, along with piano, she learns Wushu from her father, Xiang, who is a well connected businessman. One night, her home is attacked by Bison and his henchman. Chun Li's father fights them off until Balrog grabs a hold of a young Chun Li, forcing him to surrender. As Bison and his men are leaving with Xiang, Chun Li's mother tries to stop them. Balrog just punches her.
Years later, Chun Li grows up and becomes a talented concert pianist. At the end of one of her concerts, she receives a scroll written in Ancient Chinese text. On her way home, she sees a mysterious homeless man getting assaulted by street thugs. After the thugs leave, Chun Li tends to him and notices a spiderweb tattoo on his hand. Meanwhile, Xiang is shown working for Bison as a prisoner. In return for his services, he is allowed to view pictures of his daughter all grown up. Back home, Chun Li's mother finally loses her battle to cancer as Chun Li and her servants mourn her loss at a funeral
Elsewhere, we see Nash and Maya investigating a murder of several heads of criminal syndicate families in Bangkok. Chun Li on the side is meeting with a wise old lady in town who studies the scroll and tells her to find a man named Gen in Bangkok, revealing to her an image of the same spiderweb she saw tattooed on the homeless man's hand. With a new goal in mind, Chun Li leaves her home and heads to Bangkok. After weeks of searching for Gen without any luck, she sees a man being assaulted in an alley by thugs. Chun Li comes to his rescue and fights them. After a long battle ended by finishing them with a Bike Rack Drop Ultra move, Chun Li collapses in exhaustion. There, we see Gen pick her up to take her to his home.
Gen tells Chun Li that he knows how to find her father and that Bison has him, but that she also needs anger management. In response, she goes to an internet cafe and logs onto shoryuken.com to find out more about Bison, who is now holding the families of property owners hostage in order to force them to sign their property over to him. Upon leaving, one of the owners is asked to hand over the rights to a docking harbor, allowing the shipment of the "White Rose". Chun Li overhears this. Meanwhile at Interpol, Nash figures out that Bison's headquarters are right across the street from the Police Station.
Later that night, Cantana, one of Bison's secretaries, goes to a nightclub. Chun Li spies on her and notices her jocking the girls in the club. Chun Li moves in and seductively dances with her before casually walking away into the bathroom. Cantana, sex driven, follows her and locks the bathroom window. There, Chun Li beats her into giving out the location of the White Rose. Cantana's bodyguards come back and Chun Li escapes after a brief shootout.
We are then told of Bison's origins. He is the son of Irish missionaries. He grew up an orphan having to steal fish from people in Thailand. In order to lose his conscience, he forced his daughter out of the womb of his wife prematurely. This somehow transferred his conscience into her. Back at Gen's home, Bison's henchmen come after Gen and Chun Li. Gen fights them off until Balrog blows up his house with a rocket launcher. With Gen gone and nowhere to be found, Chun Li runs off. She is then attacked by Vega, who she defeats soundly and hangs upside down since his claws weren't sharp enough to cut rope.
Chun Li then heads to the harbor and interrogates an employee into telling her the arrival time of the White Rose. Later that night, this turns out to be a trap as several Shadaloo soldiers capture her. Chun Li is then taken back to Shadaloo headquarters and is reunited with her father. Bison tells her that Xiang outlived his usefulness and breaks his neck, killing him. Bison and Balrog leave Chun Li to the henchman to finish off. Chun Li however escapes when they try to swing her around from the ceiling like a pinata. As she runs away, she is shot in the arm by Balrog. Before Balrog could recapture her, the crowd begins throwing durians at him. This scares Balrog as he drives off in his Benz. Chun Li meanwhile, is rescued again by Gen, who survived the explosion.
Chun Li approaches Nash and tells him she needs backup to take down Bison. Nash and Maya oblige as Chun Li approaches the dock employee who set her up last time. The employee tells her that he was forced into deceiving her and tells her the real arrival time. Chun Li doubts him at first, but he points to the white board at the arrival time, proving that it is true. At the dock later that night, Interpol agents engage in a shootout with Shadaloo soldiers. On a ship, Chun Li finds a girl asking where her father is. Meanwhile, Gen fights Balrog and kills him by stabbing him with a pipe spraying nitrogen. We later find out that the girl is Bison's daughter and her name is Rose, making her the White Rose. Bison takes her in and welcomes her warmly.
Bison walks into his office where he is ambushed by Gen. Gen however is no match for him. Sensing his daughter in danger, Bison goes back to his daughters room, where he finds she is gone. Gen shows up again and ambushes Bison, getting beaten up again. Chun Li then comes in and fights Bison. After a long battle, she hits him with a bamboo pole a couple times and drops some sandbags on him, making him dizzy. She then charges up a Kikoken and shoots it at him, knocking him off the scaffolding they were fighting on, then jumping on his neck and twisting it, killing him.
Back home, Chun Li is settled down as Gen pays her a visit. He shows her an ad for a Street Fighter tournament, telling her about a Japanese fighter named "Ryu something". Chun Li declines, saying that she's home for now.
Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki), a cellist in an orchestra in Tokyo, loses his job because of dissolution of the orchestra. After quitting as a professional cellist, he decides to sell his cello which he had recently purchased for 18 million yen, then deciding to move back to his old hometown, Sakata, Yamagata, along with his wife. One day, he finds a classified ad entitled "Assisting departures" for an "NK Agency". He goes to the job interview thinking it is for a job at a travel agency. But at the interview, he discovers that NK is an abbreviation for "encoffinment" (納棺, nōkan?), and he is instead to assist the "departed". The interviewer, the President of NK Agency, immediately decides to hire Daigo after confirming that Daigo is able to "work hard." The salary is 500,000 yen per month with an additional 20,000 yen bonus for the interview. With no other job prospects, Daigo decides to accept the offer. However, when he comes home to his wife, he finds himself unable to admit the type of work he will be doing, so he dissembles, saying that he is to be employed in the 'ceremonial occasions industry.'
Daigo has a hard time at his first day of work, being made to act as a corpse in a DVD explaining the procedure of encoffinment. More harrowing still is his first assignment which is, in preparation for the wake, to clean, dress and apply cosmetics to the body of an aged lady who has died alone at home remaining undiscovered for two weeks. Beset with nausea at the sight and smell of her collapsed body, but in need of the money that is paid at the end of each day, Daigo sets out in his new career. Daigo completes a number of assigments, and experiences the joy and gratitude at his work of those left behind. He starts to feel a sense of fulfillment in his work when his wife, Mika, (Ryoko Hirosue) finds the training DVD and begs him to give up such a "disgusting profession." Daigo, however refuses to quit, so his wife leaves him. Even his old friend, Yamashita (Tetta Sugimoto), learning of his job, tells him to get "a proper job", then avoids him because of his refusal.
Not long later however, Daigo's wife returns announcing that she is pregnant and pleads with him once again to find a different source of income. At this moment the telephone rings with a new assignment. Yamashita's mother, Tsuyako (Kazuko Yoshiyuki), who ran the local bathhouse on her own, has died. In front of Yamashita, his family and Mika, Daigo prepares Tsuyako's body for her wake and earns the respect and understanding of all present. Then one day, a telegram is delivered to Daigo's house, with notification of the death of Daigo's estranged father. Daigo refuses to see his dead father, but Mika and Daigo's co-worker convince him to go. When Daigo sees his father, he notices that he has left only one cardboard box of belongings, despite the fact that he lived 70-odd years. Funeral workers come to get Daigo's father's corpse, but Daigo decides to personally encoffin his father. As he encoffins him, Daigo finds a "stone-letter" he had given to his father when he was little; the stone-letter was grasped in his father's hands. When Daigo is finished, he recognizes the father he remembered and cries. As his father is carried away in a coffin, Daigo presses the stone-letter to Mika's pregnant belly. Source: wikipedia