Title: 《神槍手》 / 《Sniper》
Year: 2009
Country: 中國/中國香港 China/HK
Genre: 動作/驚悚 Action/Suspense
Language: 粵語 Cantonese
Subtitles: 中文 Chinese
Length: 87 mins
Directior: 林超賢 Dante Lam
Order now:《神槍手 Sniper》DVD @ Yesasia.com
任賢齊 Richie Ren
黃曉明 Xiaoming Huang
陳冠希 Edison Chan
葉璇 Michelle Ye
劉浩龍 Wilfred Lau
廖啟智 Kai Chi Liu
高捷 Jack Kao
鄧健泓 Patrick Tang
王秀琳 Mango Wong
林保怡 Bowie Lam
HARTMAN (RICHIE JEN) is renowned as the top shooter in the police force. But behind the legend lies a skeleton in the closet: his former teammate and superb marksman LINCOLN (HUANG XIAOMING), who was jailed for accidentally killing a hostage, has just been released. With only vengeance in his mind, Lincoln determines to take on Hartman and the police, believing they are the real culprits for his fall.
When a high-security prisoner transfer is sabotaged by a mysterious sniper and a major convict has escaped, Hartman and his team are dispatched to profile the suspect. OJ (EDISON CHEN), the hot-headed rookie on the team, surprises everyone by accurately replicating the suspect's impossible shots. Hartman sees the potential in this youngster and decides to take him under his wing. Yet when OJ becomes fascinated by Lincoln and determines to top his shooting skills, he might become another wild card on the loose. Meanwhile, Lincoln continues his plan with the largest heist ever in the city. Believing that Hartman had withheld key evidence that could free him, Lincoln decides to lure his target in by holding Hartman's daughter as hostage and re-enacting that fateful day. It is the ultimate showdown amongst three expert snipers in the Hong Kong cityscape…
方克明(任賢齊 飾)是警隊中最精銳的狙擊手,並在機緣下巧遇一名軍裝警察O仔(陳冠希飾),即被其一副神鎗手氣質吸引,邀他加入狙擊手部隊。經過艱苦的測試後,這個天才少年終成為警隊狙擊手。O仔入隊後,誓要成為首席神鎗手。然而,神鎗手榜中竟然還有另一個傳奇:這個他,曾經壓倒克明,高據榜首四年,此人現在何方?
神槍手 Sniper (2009) Trailer
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